Carbon Emissions Per Person and Acceptance of AGW
Breakdown of Intentional, Fatal Shootings
Top Years For GDP Growth
The Myth of the Nation of Takers
Median Income By State
Level of Belief in Anthropogenic Climate Change
Undocumented Immigrants and Median Income
Carbon Emissions and Politics
Women in the House of Representatives
Job Creation the Republican Governors Running for President
Republican Politicians Radically Overstate Anti-Poverty Spending
Math Proficiency and College Degrees
Patents Filed in Red and Blue States
Uninsured by State
How American Workers Productivity is Divided Up
Unemployment by Party of President
The Size of the Red and Blue Economies
Gun Deaths and Gun Ownership
Personal Income by Party
Education Spending and Math Proficiency
Welfare Spending and the Poverty Rate by State
Income Growth by Party Since 1967
Job Creation by President
Income Growth in the United States by Bracket Between 1980 and 2013
Racial Political Polarization
Life Expectancy by State
Effect of Growing Inequality on Incomes
Income Quintiles Relative to National Average by the Politics of State
Education, Income and Politics
States that Oppose Gay Marriage Have More Divorces
Big Oil Political Contributions
Growth of Wealth in the United States by Bracket Between 1980 and 2012
Stock Market Performance by Party- S&P 500
Graduate Education and Politics
Where our GDP goes
Stock Market Performance by Party- Dow
Best Presidencies for the Economy
Change in Debt as a Percentage of GDP by President
Change in Debt as a Percentage of GDP by the Party Controlling the Federal Government
Union Membership and Median income
Contribution to the Federal Deficit Per Person by State
Most of the GDP was Achieved Under Democratic Presidents
Standard of Living By State
Immigrants and Median Income
Women in the U.S. Senate
Demographic Breakdown of Republicans in the House of Representatives
The Cost of Gridlock
GDP Performance of the Republican Governors Running for President
K-12 Spending by State
Poverty Rate By State
Change in Median Income by President
GDP Growth by President
Change in the Division of Wealth Between 1980 and 2012
U.S. GDP Growth Relative to Original NATO Members
Education Spending and the Poverty Rate by State
Belief that Humans Cause Climate Change and Educational Attainment
Wages as a Percentage of Productivity
Federal Tax Burden Per Person by State
Income in Red and Blue States
Union Membership and Standard of Living
Taxes and Economic Growth
Gun Deaths by State
Income in Red and Blue States- Adjusted for Cost of Living
Probability of Being the Victim of a Hate Crime
Gun Ownership Rates and Suicide Rates
Tax Rates During the Best Years for Economic Growth
State Taxes and Poverty
Support for Equal Marital Rights
Change in the Division of Income Between 1980 and 2013
GDP Growth by Party
Carbon Emissions and Median Income
Income Growth by Party Since 1980
Democratic Lead by Education Level in 2012 and 2016 (Trump v. Clinton)
Democratic Lead by Education Level in 2012 and 2016 (Trump v. Sanders)
Length of Supreme Court Vacancies
Labor Force Participation by Region and Race (ages 25-64)
Teacher Pay and the Quality of Education
Educational Attainment and Lifetime Earnings
Income and Education by County
Income Growth Under Republicans and Democrats- Bottom 90%
Share of the Nations Wealth Held by the Top 0.1% and the Bottom 90%
Education Spending Per-Student by Median Income
What Trump Supporters Think About Women, Immigrants and Minorities
Margin of Victory Among College-Educated Voters in Presidential Elections
Effects of the Clinton and Trump Tax Plans on the National Debt
Actual vs. Perceived Violent Crime Rate
Clinton v. Trump Polling by News Source, College Education, Living in a City, Working
Democratic Presidents Outperform Republicans by Every Economic Measure
Effect of the Republican Tax Plan by Income Bracket
Impact of Obamacare on the Number of Uninsured
President Trumps Budgetary Priorities