
Percentage of Social Spending Channeled through the Public Sector vs. Inequality
Equality of Outcomes vs. Equality of Opportunity
The Myth of the Nation of Takers
Republican Politicians Radically Overstate Anti-Poverty Spending
Income Growth by Party Since 1980
Income Growth by Party Since 1967
Effect of Growing Inequality on Incomes
Income Growth in the United States by Bracket Between 1980 and 2013
Change in the Division of Income Between 1980 and 2013
Growth of Wealth in the United States by Bracket Between 1980 and 2012
Change in the Division of Wealth Between 1980 and 2012
Median Income and Gini Coefficient
Poverty and Safety Net Spending
Income Inequality and Safety Net Spending
How American Workers Productivity is Divided Up
Wages as a Percentage of Productivity
Income Growth Under Republicans and Democrats- Bottom 90%
Share of the Nations Wealth Held by the Top 0.1% and the Bottom 90%
Share of Wealth Held by the Bottom 90%
Education Spending Per-Student by Median Income